Placed first in performance test "Weinwirtschaft" 2016/2017
Cleebronn & Güglingen
German Champion
We have achieved the first place at the great performance test of German wine co-operatives in the journal "Weinwirtschaft".

- Württemberg – Heuchelberg - Cleebronner Michaelsberg & Güglinger Kaiserberg (Keuper soil)
- Area first planted by monks in year 793
- Founded 1951
- 280 hectares – 580 growers
- Channels: end-user, specialist retail
- Consistent in winning top awards incl. Mundus vini
- 75% red: Lemberger, Schwarzriesling, Trollinger, Spätburgunder
- 25% white: Riesling, Kerner, Müller-Thurgau
- Oldest vines approx. 50 years
- 2.5 million litre per year